David's Journey to Massage

David O'Quinn is a licensed massage therapist and an intuitive practitioner, currently living in Ashland Oregon.

David's spiritual journey began at age sixteen. After a couple of serious work related injuries, David found a new career path, one that supported others in a holistic approach to wellness.
He entrollled at the University of Texas in Austin, to persue a degree in psychology. In 1982, he opened a private practice, offering tarot readings, regression therapy and taught classes in spiritual development. It was during this time that David received certifications in Reiki, Touch for Health, Mari-El, breath work/Rebirthing, Brain Gym, Hypnotherapy and more. "In my travels, I was very blessed to encounter several gifted teachers and mentors that helped me along the way."

In 1998, David started his massage training at the Body Electic School of Massage in Oakland, California. He was fortunate to have a very gifted teacher by the name of Chester Mainard. Later he entered the Center for Awareness and Bodywork where he studied Structural Integration. David continued to study other forms of massage such as Hawaiian Lomi massage, Deep Tissue massage and Craniosacral therapy, to name a few.

Deerstar is David's spirit name. The photo of the mask was created by David as an art project. Kim Murriera teaches art classes on the island of Kauai, David's former home for 30 yrs. The formation of the mask is a cast of David's face. He then transformed it into a representation of Deerstar. The left side is the animal nature of the deer, grounded in gentleness and grace. The right symbolises his passion for all creation.